A "sort of" confession
I have a small confession to make here, though it will come with a lot of justification. First of all, I am very honored by my name appearing in my school website honor roll. Have a look here: http://kvambajhari.org/results.htm. Search for keyword “Mitra”.My name appears in the list of toppers for 12th standard, though it appears as Saneepan with a missing D. The confession is, I was not the topper. It was my classmate Chandrashekhar Munjewar. But my confession ends here. As of my present mindset, I am not going to write to my school to change my name and the justification is as follows:
Though official records say that I did not get the highest marks, the thing that was always important in Maharashtra was the PCM or Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics marks. I did get the highest there. So there were a lot of people who consider me as the topper and I would like to believe the same too.
The other reason is: I believe the appearance of the name in the webpage is partly accounted for by my school teachers themselves who like me a lot. The reason for this belief is how my name is spelt. My dad, like most of the Bengalis, misspelled my name to Sandipan instead of Sandeepan. The teachers over the 10 years had themselves corrected the name only to change it back to Sandipan in 10th standard because they wanted it to be inline with what my dad wrote 10 years back. So when my name appears as Saneepan in the website, I feel it’s some teacher who said lets put Sandeepan’s name there and not some advanced database query to find out who was first.
The third reason is more selfish. I have been in the school for 12 years and had a consistent academic performance, a teachers pet etc etc. Not as an allrounder, but I was always regarded as the “smart” (the US smart, not the Indian smart) guy. So, I deserve my name there.
Bottom line is I wrote this blog as I feel I am cheating myself if I don’t let people know the truth and now that I have published it on my blog, I will feel less guilty conscious . Whoever is reading this please let me know if you think I did the right thing or not. I know I am not popular enough like Amitabh Bachchan to have a poll in my blog, but comments would be really helpful.
Hilarious post! :)
Having said my first and immediate comment, I think you completely deserve to be there in the honor roll. But, this could be biased as I was in the same situation (my school doesn't have a web-page dedicated to results yet :( ). This falls into the category where it could be construed as a lie because though it is true, there is some information that is being with-held.
Secondly, you did not ask for your school to put it up there and whatever the reasons maybe, you don't have to 'confess' per se.
Thirdly, having adjudged you as being modest, non-bombastic, I am startled by the last selfish reason!
Hehe, startled by my last reason. I think that me just comes out in the virtual world.
Cheater Cheater Pumkin Eater!!
What a surprising post!!!!!! Sandipan U neednt be guilty conscious in the least..... our batchmates know the truth and juniors give a damn about the senior batch..... so is the same with our senior batch...... and needless to say that u have had a consistently good academic record..... so cool it dude!!!!!!
@Anu: Pumpkin eater is better than Rahul of KKHH.
@Esha: Thanks dudeee :)
First, congratulations... wow, even if you are not the topper in literal terms, you are the top scorer of the Science Group...so what if it was years ago?
Enjoy the glory of the honour the school has given you, albeit by mistake.
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