Say no to Air France
This is the second incident now. Continuing my theory of there can be no smoke without fire, this is purely unacceptable. And so, as I do not buy Tommy Hilfiger garments after reading the e-mail chain, I will no longer travel by Air France.
Frankly speaking, though the Tommy Hilfiger story may even seem to be unreal, this Air France story is pretty real. I have seen a certain apathy of the European staff for the Indian customers in the flight. I have seen this in Lufthansa as well but as it was an all Indian flight, I would like to give them the advantage of "curt by nature/birth" and not due to any racism.
People may argue I have no right to be angry against racist as I myself care for fair skin. But I would like to remind that I differentiate only Indians with skin color as skin color in India can be changed by exposure to sun, makeup materials and general skin care habits unlike the rest of the world and so I think being fair in India is more a matter of self care than a genetic property. There are also a lot of gorgeous dark skin people including the great Biapsha Basu, Madhu Sapre, Kajol to name a few.
dude-- can you throw some light on what the incident is
First word has a hyperlink.
I am sorry to disagree again! The link you posted says that Indians with US passports were fine - so the airline discriminates against Indians or Indians with Indian passport? :). All Indians will be fine too if they follow the procedure of getting a transit visa before going to EU airports that require a transit visa to stay longer in transit or a full visa to enter the country to stay in a hotel. I have flown by Gulf Air and I did wait 2 hours before getting a transit visa - 2 hours is a long time provided that they took my passport (!!!) and Bahrain is hardly a hub.
Or smarter, fly like you non-stop!
First of all, it is second incident. Secondly, simply telling the reason with sympathy/empathy would have been fair to Indians as airport is not that bad a place after all. I guess there was some bigger issue that was some behavioral issue as well which actually angered the people. Indians are generally very receptive.
I know I base my opinion based on speculation but then it's my opinion and why would I fly Air France when I have Air India and Jet Airways flying me to CCU.
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