Sunday, November 23, 2008

Happily grazing cow in New Zealand

A very strange thing happened today. Like the last few days, I was awake since 4:30 am. Today at 5:30, I get a call from my School friend Shubhajit. He always calls in odd hours but though I will never talk in those odd hours even from my parents, I can never hang up on Shubhajit or Bhaji. The reason is that he calls from the borders of Jammu and Kashmir, where one rarely gets signals. I always feel a strange guilt attending his calls. He did something which I never had the courage to do and instead, to public and to myself I always spoke of joining army as joining a band of fools. But deep inside, I do know that it is more because I am not capable of so much sacrifice.

I asked him abut what’s happening as it was Election Day and he said that it was very hectic but he was happy that I remember. Yes, and I had just read it in rediff some 10 minutes back. There is a lot going on in that part of the country. We can just speculate, the locals can just suffer, the army people might just be the pawns but whatever is happening in the power corridors on either side of the border, we do not know, rather we may not wish to know.

Is it justified? Fighting for the country? After all, if we do believe in some sort of superpower, it might have just been a split second decision of the god to pass the next life on earth as a human being of a particular country. Next second, we could have been a cow happily grazing grass in New Zealand. Well, with my present, I am happy. I am paying back to the world in whatever form I came in. I am paying tax so that we walk on better streets, I have sent money to Indian charitable organizations also and if that is not enough, I did buy the Unicef greeting cards to have the proceedings sent to Africa. I will also buy ‘Tales of Beedle The Bard’ and the proceedings will go for betterment of the world. And so is the cow from New Zealand paying back to the society. It is making more cows, it is giving lot of milk and it is also maintaining the balance of nature.

But what is a man in military doing? Isn’t he being brainwashed to fight for SOME country on the whims of certain people? For example, India and Pakistan are fighting for ages now on may be some stupid decision of the then Viceroy and queen Victoria’s ‘Let’s have some fun, let’s split the Hindus and Muslims’.

Same with the World Wars, the present Iraq war or any other wars. It is a few people who decide the fate of so many others, who simply decide to die for the country, when if one instant late they would have been happily grazing cows in New Zealand.

I am so happy that I was born a few seconds late, so now I am a happily sitting on a couch and frantically pressing keys on the laptop keyboard, not much different from the grazing cows of New Zealand!!!

It is probably inevitable to have wars, or it might be really important to go to space when children are dying of hunger on the streets, or it is really important to spend millions of dollars to go deep down into the sea and find some stop watch in the titanic, it is just that I do not know why.


Nikhil Nemade said...

Good blog !! Though let me point out that Her Majesty was not involved in splitting the country. England had a democratic government by then.

The Iraq war was nonsense and I agree with you on that. However, I personally believe USA's Afghanistan war is justified. You need to get rid of people whoe are out to take away from innocents the most basic right - "The right to be alive". Hunger and poverty come next.

As far as space exploration goes, that research is necessary as sooner or later, we are going to run out of space / resources / clean air etc on earth. We can't wait till the problem becomes too severe to find solutions. The solution may / may not lie in space etc. but if we didn't explore, we would never know. The govts. need to spend billions on this research instead of taking care of the large number of impoverished people cause this problem affects the entire race.

The poor, hungry and less-fortunate can be taken care of even from charitable donations from ordinary folks like us.

Wow!!! This reply is a mini-blog in itself :D ... if I posted on my blog, at least I would have had another post :P

Sandipan Mitra said...

Thanks for the mini blog :)
But can't we rather invest on 1 child per parent or 1.5 child per parent, not by law but by educating people?

What the point in exploding with pride when Chandrayaan 'successfully' crash lands on lunar surface?