Off late, we many times keep bashing the internet news and TV news channels for showing nonsense stuff. We want quality news. News that matter to us and that’s where I think is the catch. What news matters to us?
Do we really care if Obama wins or Mc Cain does? Even their decision on healthcare doesn’t bother us as company pays our healthcare. None of our families are serving in Iraq or Afghanistan too that we will be worried about them. Even if they had been, their news would have been brought to us by they themselves over phone. Nor even does the news of serial blasts in Ahmedabad or Bangalore directly affect us because it is not going to prevent you from going to work. Yes, certain part of it does matter but these news you as a resident of Bangalore would hardly have got from news channel, you would rather have over heard in person.
What are the news that matter to us directly? May be what is the best school in vicinity for the kids (if you have any), what are the good restaurants nearby Where do you get cheap and good groceries. This information (news) is more important to us rather than what Omar Abdullah shouted in the Indian parliament.
Now there may be certain issues which matter like how much percentage government hiked the pension scheme or what is interest rate cut by the Fed but then that’s hardly .001% of what TV news channels cover. Another important thing might be weather. But even that, the Indian news channel in particular hardly pay any attention to.
So the bottom line is that, news channel are entertainment channels and the show us what we want to see. That is why we have Britney all over the news and even news like people do not want to see any more of Britney becomes news. Or we have these murders of beautiful or rich women in India starting form Jessica Lall to Aarushi. I am pretty sure atleast one per month is killed in the tiny villages of India for petty reasons as dowry or even caste etc but they do not cover that. They rather cover what’s happening in Delhi and Mumbai. And they are right too. They have to sell.
A good idea of our own want of news can be judged from the most read or most watched sections of news websites.
Here is a sample:
One of the 5 most read news in BBC: Soul icon Isaac Hayes dies at 65
In CNN: 'Batman' No. 1 for fourth straight weekend
In Times of India: Are you hot in bed or a hopeless wreck? Read on for tips to get your act right... What makes a person great in bed?
In NDTV: Durga Puja rights sold to US company.
Now apparently, death of Isaac Hayes is the biggest news in BBC, CNN etc and may be the guy was really famous. Bit do I care? Not really.
On the other hand, rightly so, the news in Times of India is of most direct consequence. But do we really need that as part of news?
For me, the most important news form the above 4 is the last one, but probably it interests only the smallest portion of the readers of my blog.
Strange world.
I guess what the news channels and sites try to do is to put up news that most of the people would cherish and hence we get all the masala news we want to read/see but also love to comment on that what is news media becoming today.
Well, news number 4 is not imp to be at all... so I guess its just too personal that what is imp for whom.. News 2 is more imp fr me as it makes me decide whether i will see Batman or not when it is released.
Hi u know who,
I am trying my best to place you. Can you help me Lord Voldemort?
Nice post. Could not agree more.
Media is a necessary evil that must be tolerated. Once in a while media will serve some useful purpose. For rest of the time they must behave like Rita Skeeter. Sensationalism is media's job definition. And people (that includes me) love it.
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