Back from the hibernation
Things have been pretty busy for me for the last few months! I can really say that i have worked real hard!
My daily sleeping timings have improved/ detoraited badly. I nowdays can't sleep before 2:30! I say it's bad. But there are a few to agree with me.
Some good things that happened:
1) Helped balli buy a lappy! I really felt proud. Long since i have been of any use to any of my friends.
2) Joined an association, for the first time voluntarily. It's International student mentor's asscociation.
3) Celebrated a good bengali new year in MY STYLE. Cooked good food, and wore new clothes.
4) Got richer by a scholarship.
5) A new song to hum around: Chanda chamke cham cham, Fanaa.
6) Barasat and nagpur + ambajhari zoomed in google earth.
Well that was it!
Now what news i found interesting and followed up for sometime:
1) The bombing of Mistress of Spices in Box office! I am also secretly hoping that Sush's 'Holy Karma and Confession’ will be a great success.
2) A whole nation pointing fingers at Sonia Gandhi for office of profit, which is such a baseless issue! Won't we all love if we can find APJ still taking lectures at IISc. I always feel that the lady is attcked for all wrong reasons. Advani was born in pakistan! Let's say that Sonia Gandhi is not intelligent enough to be a PM, but why say, she is a foreigner, so she can't be a PM. What if we have Amartya Sen as Finance Minister, he is also a foreinger now!
3) Pramod Mahajan accident : That man is damn good speaker! It's so good to listen to him talking.
4) Sush n Hooda break up! Mera number kab aayega!!!
5) A multiplex and a big bazaar opening up in our own MANGALORE.
6) Suarthkal comes in news (google news search) only for jwellery thefts! People are really rich.
7) Infosys still not to concrete about kolkata plans, and happy about the realization by them that they have just hired to many fresh people. There are less than 20% people with 3 year+ experience.
Well let's just keep it at that!
Next blogs will be on my roomates till date!