Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Arundhati says

Finally i got one statement which I have been tryin to express for a long long time but nobody can put t better than she does.
Thanks to my brother who sent me this as a forward:

"..the secret of the Great Stories is that they have no secrets. The Great Stories are the ones you have heard and want to hear again. The ones you can enter anywhere and inhabit comfortably. They don't deceive you with thrills and trick endings. They don't surprise you with the unforeseen.. They are as familiar as the house you live in. Or the smell of your lover's skin. You know how they end yet you listen as though you don't. In the way that you know that one day you will die, you live as though you won't. In the Great Stories you know who lives, who dies, who finds love, who doesn't. And yet you want to know again.

That is their mystery and their magic.."

~Arundhati Roy


Anonymous said...

Awsome! Cud u please forward that email to me...Its the best thing I have heard in a long time , Thanx to U !

Sandipan Mitra said...

I will thank you most for this comment! U see, many people have written so much about other articles but nobody in this!
Must be nobody agrees with this!
I had this notion for long in my head, but when it comes from a famous person like arundhati, it surely makes lot more sense!

Anonymous said...

I know its too late to comment on THIS
but i am introduced to the blog very recently.....
yeah....its love for literature makes me proud that people do understand and FEEL THE SAME WAY AS I DO.......

Anonymous said...
