Sunday, December 19, 2010

You see what you want to see


Haha, that’s how Shobhaa De starts her blogs. For my case if the only dosts that I had were blogdosts, I would be a pretty loner in life. No agenda for this blog, but basically just getting back to the habit.

I had decided that there should be one post in every 2 weeks so effectively 26 posts a year but this is the first year I am missing that goal and that too by a large margin. November was hectic but I don’t think even with that in I could have made 26. It’s mainly my fault. But now with this post and the eagerly awaited annual Bollywood awards, 20 posts are assured.

I had been to India in November. It is strange how I viewed the country in a totally different light in every trip. Of course all of my trips always had a main motive (brother’s marriage, H1 stamping etc.) but there were also different angles to how I see the things around me. And I have come to the conclusion that we see what we want to see. Let me explain.

The first time when I came, I had heard from everybody how India has changed a lot. So I was looking for those signs of developments and I really felt that India has changed so much. Plus I had started looking for jobs that time and when I saw my friends in India already settled with stable jobs, things obviously looked rosy and nice in the country.

The second time I went, I had a job at hand, friends were getting married and I really didn’t care for how India has changed. So things looked very much the same. I was trying to tell people that my home-town (Barasat) was a village contrary to what the people of Barasat think. So I was looking around diagnosing what consists of a city look and what is a village look. In Bangalore, friends were getting married, brother had finally settled into his own flat. There was nothing really I was looking out for. But the thing that hit me was the price of things. Now that I had started earning again, I was comparing the prices and I was always shocked by how expensive Bangalore/India had become.

Now this time, I saw things in a different light. I was comparing lifestyles. And Bangalore to me looked like as if the city has only home returned NRIs. This ofcourse can’t be true and that’s when I realized, you always see what you wanted to see. Everywhere I go, I see only NRIs. I was so proud of the Madras shorts that I bought this summer, but every tom dick and harry there was wearing Madras shorts. It was not as if that was the current fashion in Bangalore, but it mostly marked the home returned NRIs. One of the shops I went to had Thanksgiving discounts. I was shocked. As for the lifestyle, I had a notion that people like to have way too much fun in India love hectic weekends full of movies, malls, parties etc. And that was a negative for me. So this time when I looked out for that, I was again pleasantly surprised. People/ my friends had actually calmed down. They did things slowly. Weekends were relaxing and everything was peaceful.

I guess it has got more to do with phases of life that makes you think how you view things. Generally a place essentially remains the same. Afterall comeon, the country is 5000 years old. Looking out for drastic changes every 2 years will just assert ones ignorance.


Anupama K. Mazumder said...

I try to post once a month, and my personal target is about 12 posts a year, provided there is something to write about. Your target of 20-26 is way huge for me!

YES, India is changing. And strangely, some things just refuse to be anything other than what they have been ever since times in memorial.

Also, things you notice or lookout for or have an eye for change with age, employment status, marital status.. basically with a changing you, your world also evolves.

Nirmal Gunaseelan said...

Essentially you are getting old :) older! Soon enough, you'll be seeing what diapers people in India use and your mom will say that you probably weren't wearing one at all :) The country is 60+ / 5000+ years old depending on how you look at it, but don't things change depending on people? What is a country without people? And people will change! Can't agree with the title more.

Sandipan Mitra said...

@Anupama, 12 posts a year? Considering that you did excellent this year.

@Nirmal: Diapers!! Really?

Advay said...

dont forget the famous line .. "only constant is change" ... There will be changes everywhere in one's life or country. You have to live with it. You yourself must have changed a lot over the years too. :)

Anupama K. Mazumder said...
