Saturday, December 17, 2005

My most coveted talent - My singing

First things first. This post is for the sole reader of my blogs- ***.
I have read in a book that one who has "sur" in his name, has "sur" in his voice too. The breaking of my name will be "saa nii daa paa nii". That Daa is close to "dha" and "daa" is written for a high scale "dha". So u see i have "sur" in my voice.
Next evidence is that my mom is a good singer, dad not bad, and bro also pertty good. So i have to be one hell lot of good singer.
So with this confidence, i went to sing in a group song with mike just in front of me. My partner in crime in this whole thing was Anuradha. She sings equally well. What happened is this: It was teacher's day and we were in 12th. So our principal ma'am came and taught us a song. But nobody bothered to learn it except me and anu. So naturally the mike was placed in front of both of us. After the performance, nobody clapped. I thought everybody was dumbstruck. But later i realised when principal ma'am came to the class and appreciated us and said "it was so good but somehow the effect was not good." That was the first time i realised hwo good i sing.
Before that also many incidents happened but i didn't kow it was because of that. Everytime i used to sing in my home, mom used to shout from the other room: "are u telling me something?" and i used to reply " no mom, just singing."
My house was close to the school so many children used to pass by. One day after singing 1 full song i went out to the balcony and saw around 20 juniors staring at me and asked me to sing again. I got some hunch and noticed that they all were giggling silently.
But there are good sides to it also. I was never asked twice to sing during ragging. Once they asked and that was it. Never again.
But my last 2 places, BBSR and College Station, my roomies are more considerate. They say that my battery goes down when i sing. That is so decent of them . I think i should give them a singing tribute.


Anonymous said...

how did i miss that balcony performance.

Anonymous said...

how did i miss that balcony performance